Membership in Nalandabodhi Toronto

Once you have visited our centre, explored our classes and developed a meditation practice, you may wish to make a stronger connection and commitment to Nalandabodhi Toronto. In doing so, you can support Nalandabodhi Toronto as well as continue your own journey along the path. In becoming a member, we ask you to consider your commitment to the three paths that we offer.

The Path of Meditation

We encourage members to engage in a daily meditation practice with guidance from a Practice Instructor, an experienced practitioner and personal mentor who can suggest classes and readings to strengthen your meditation practice. Opportunities for group practice and instruction are also available weekly. For each study level there are corresponding meditation practices. Click here for more information on The Path of Meditation. 

The Path of Study

Our Path of Study provides an opportunity to deepen your understanding of Buddhism through a comprehensive curriculum developed by our teacher, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. The courses include Introduction to Buddhism, Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana study classes which are facilitated in our sangha by experienced senior students. Click here to visit our course description page. Click here for information on Nalandabodhi Toronto’s course offerings. 

The Path of Mindful Activity

The classes and events at Nalandabodhi Toronto are run by volunteers. Classes are facilitated by our senior students, and celebrations are planned by NBT members. There are many opportunities for members to make a meaningful commitment to our community as well as to their personal practice. Click here for more information on the Path of Mindful Activity. 

Formal Membership

If you wish to participate as a full member and support Nalandabodhi Toronto, the dues are $30-$50 per month. Your dues support our study curriculum, Rinpoche’s teaching and our centre’s activities. If you wish to know more about membership, or if financial constraints are a concern, please email us at:

Membership provides access to a greater range of study and practice opportunities, including:

  • Participation in member-only retreats, teachings,
    and programs
  • A structured and integrated practice path that progresses towards and includes Vajrayana,
    for those interested
  • A Practice Instructor to act as a friendly guide
    along the journey
  • Discounts on the costs of Nalandabodhi programs
  • Access to books & videos from our centre’s library (subject to availability)
  • Regular email news and other communications for members-only from Nalandabodhi Toronto

Nalandabodhi members who are in good standing with their local sanghas and who are also formal students of Rinpoche are invited to attend our annual June sangha retreat in Seattle. Sangha retreat is a nine day immersion in meditation and dharma teachings led by Rinpoche and NBI teachers.  

Open Participation

Formal membership is not required to participate in our community activities and meditation practices. If you are interested in developing a meditation practice or attending an occasional weekend program, we welcome your participation.

To find other ways to contribute financially, please visit our Donation page.